SPC Flooring
Care & Cleaning
Follow these steps to help minimize maintenance and maintain the beauty of your SPC floors.

Clean your floors periodically with a professional vinyl floor cleanser. Lions Floor recommends a P/H Neutral vinyl cleanser, such as Bona®.

For moderately soiled areas, use a mild solution of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and distilled water. Dilute the mixture by mixing one-part alcohol and 2 parts distilled water. For tougher spots, use a higher concentration of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water. Denatured alcohol can be used for adhesive and oil based stain removal.

Always spot test in an inconspicuous area.

Use area rugs both inside and outside doorways to help prevent grit, dirt and other debris from being tracked onto your floor. Please use a breathable rug pad underneath all throw rugs to prevent scratching.

Place an area rug in front of the kitchen sink. Kitchen and bath area rugs with non-slip rubberized backing must be non-staining.

Wipe up spills immediately.

Protect your floor with floor protectors that are made of non-staining felt under the legs of furniture to help prevent scuffing and scratching; larger pads may be required on bigger objects. Scratching due to insufficient protection is not covered under the warranty.

Avoid using any cleaning agents containing wax, oil or polish. Leftover residue will form a dull film.

Do not use any wood care floor cleaning products on vinyl floors. Self-polishing acrylic waxes can cause the surface to become slippery and appear dull quickly.

Do not use vinegar as a cleaning solution, its acidic properties will harm the finish.

Do not wet-mop the floor. Standing water can dull the finish, damage the floor and leave a discoloring residue.

Do not use a steam mop of any kind. Damages associated with steam mop use will void warranty coverage.

Avoid walking on your vinyl floors with cleats, sports shoes and high heels. A 125-pound woman walking in high heels has an impact of 2,000 pounds per square inch. An exposed heel nail can exert up to 8,000 pounds per square inch. This kind of impact can dent any floor surface.

When moving heavy furniture, do not slide it on the flooring. It is best to pick up the furniture completely to protect the floor from damage.

Never use a high speed buffer.
Floor Repairs
Very light and small surface scratches can be repaired with a staining “touch up” pen of the appropriate color or by using an almond stick. Please refer to manufacturer’s recommendations on proper application.
Slightly deeper scratches can be repaired by means of colored putty, acrylic and/or stains. Fill the scratches with the putty, level with putty knife and use terry cloth towel to wipe off excess.
Very deep scratches or gouges may require the replacement of planks.